As a small business owner, you don’t have the time to manage your computer systems. It is just one more task that distracts you from running your business.
Techstatic! works with you to build and manage your small business IT systems – its like having the power of an IT department without full-time employees!
Computer Setups & Upgrades
- Computer Setup Service
- Hardware Install Service
- Computer Backup Service
- Computer Migration Service
PC Network Setup & Security
- Network Setup Service
- Network Fix Service
- Mobile Internet Service
- Wifi Security Service
Computer Advice & Upgrades
- Computer Tutorial Service
- IT Consultation Service
- Hardware Install Service
- Computer Upgrade Service
TECHSTATIC! Recommended
Google ChromeOS
An OS, a browser, and devices that work Google Chrome Enterprise unlocks the business capabilities of Chrome OS, Chrome Browser, and Chrome devices, freeing IT to power your cloud workforce.
TECHSTATIC! Recommended
Dropbox Business
Dropbox Business is more than just secure file storage—it’s a smart workspace where teams, tools, and content come together.
- Centralise team content
- Transform your folders
- Team collaboration, any time, anywhere
- Use your favorite collaboration tools
- Find what you need fast
- Get peace of mind
More than 450,000 teams use Dropbox Business